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Foreign Conferences


eHealth-Kongress Telematik im GesundheitswesenMünchen, Germany19.-21.4. 2005
The XIX International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics
Palermo23.-25.6. 2005
LogoMIE 2005
The XIX International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics
Geneva, Switzerland28.8.-1.9. 2005
LogoMedNet 2005 - 10th World Congress on the Internet in MedicinePraha, ČR4.-7.12. 2005


LogoNewEra Cardia Care 2004: Innovation and TechnologyCalifornia, USA9.-11.1. 2004
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 12California, USA15.-17.1. 2004
Innovative Strategies for Predictive Modeling For Health Plans and EmployersFlorida, USA28.-30.1. 2004
Logoe-Health:Current Status and Future Trends in the EU and the USMissouri, USA12.-13.2. 2004
PharmaIT SummitNew York, USA16.-18.3. 2004
LogoMedinfo 2004 - Triennial Meeting of the International Medical Informatics AssociationCalifornia, USA7.-11.9. 2004
LogoONLINE EDUCA BERLINBerlin, hotel InterContinental1.-3.12. 2004
LogoMedNet 2004Buenos Aires, Argentina5.-7.12. 2004


 CME Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11California, USA22.-25.1. 2003
LogoComplying with Computer and Software Validation RequirementsWashington DC, USA18.-19.2. 2003
LogoCME – Evidence-based Medicine: A Hands-on Workshop for Clinicians and Policy MakersCalifornia, USA 27.-28.3. 2003
LogoTEPR (Toward an Electronic Patient Record)Texas, USA9.-14.5. 2003
LogoNI‘2003 – 8th International Congress on Nursing InformaticsRio de Janeiro, Brazil20.-25.6. 2003
LogoCARS 2003 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery – 17th International Congress and ExhibitionLondon, Uk25.-28.6. 2003
LogoISCAS – 7th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided SurgeryLondon, Uk25.-28.6. 2003
LogoCAD – 5th International Workshop on Computer-Aided DiagnosisLondon, Uk25.-28.6. 2003
LogoCMI – 9th Computed Maxillofacial Imaging CongresLondon, Uk25.-28.6. 2003
LogoEuroPACS – 21st International EuroPACS MeetingLondon, Uk25.-28.6. 2003


LogoeHealth Devekioers‘ Summit 2002Arizona, USA6.-8.11. 2002
LogoAMIA 2002 Annual SymposiumTexas, USA9.-13.11. 2002
LogoCME – MEDNET 2002Amsterdam, Netherlands3.-7.12. 2002